Alice Sheppard and Laurel Lawson soar in their wheelchairs amidst a bright green screen and floor, each holding on to a white barbed wire prop in the shape of a huge X. They are both upside down, faces tipped and arms curved toward the ceiling. Lauren Mendoza sits on the floor in the foreground, with a large camera propped up on a wooden box, filming the dancers from below. Alice is a multiracial Black woman with short bright orange curly hair and coffee-colored skin; Laurel is a white person with pale skin and cropped peacock blue hair. They wear copper bodysuits overlaid with black mesh which shimmers in crimson, sapphire, and amethyst. They wear delicate filigree headpieces of copper and brass with pearl and gold beading. Photo by Cherylynn Tsushima.
immersive VR experience

A fantastical universe of stars surrounds you. Shimmering Agents of the Wire fly overhead. Chilling figures roll toward and under you. Utopic and dystopic all at once, this immersive virtual reality experience envelops the Witness in a disability-centered, accessible universe. This new project is a reimagining of Kinetic Light's stage production Wired, a potent aerial and contemporary dance experience that tells race, gender, and disability stories of barbed wire in the United States.

territory offers encounters with boundaries, cosmic figures, dark forces, partnership, and new worlds. Guardians and Agents confront each other among stars, mist, barriers, wire, and flight — a lush combination of immersive cinematography, dance, animation, visual effects, science fiction, fantasy, and even a touch of horror.

Kinetic Light partnered with award-winning XR company Double Eye Studios and producer/director Kiira Benzing to transform live disability arts performance into an accessible VR experience that surrounds the audience in movement, light, vibration, and sound.

Frequently Asked Questions

When will territory be released?
Release date is expected in 2025. If you are interested in presenting territory, contact us.

How can I experience territory?
The film will be available via headset and dome installation. Sign up for Kinetic Light emails or follow us on Instagram or Facebook.

Is territory accessible?
Aligned with Kinetic Light's artistically and aesthetically equitable approach to access, territory will be accessible in multiple ways, including haptics, multitrack audio description, and creative captioning.

Is territory appropriate for all ages?
territory is for mature audiences.

How long is territory?
territory is a short VR film experience, 11 minutes long.

How can I support this project?
If you would like to invest in or present territory, contact Alice Sheppard.

I am a journalist, how can I connect with the creators?
Email Kinetic Light Publicist Mariclare Hulbert

“a disability arts ensemble whose work is made by and for disabled people, [Kinetic Light] has an ethic and aesthetic of access that is exceptionally thoughtful and thorough.” ~ Brian Seibert, The New York Times

Territory will be available via headset and dome installation. Release date expected in 2025.

VR & 360 film access

“Disability-led projects—such as Kinetic Light—offer incredible opportunities to rethink the meaning of access and to explore new ways of presenting it.” ~s.e. smith, The Nation

Access is central and generative in all Kinetic Light projects and practices. For territory, the team is integrating artistically equitable access practices into VR development and creating full-reality immersive technologies. Access includes spatial and multitrack audio description, haptics, and creative captioning.

Alice Sheppard and Kiira Benzing talk as they sit crosslegged on the floor. They are both masked; Kiira is dressed in all black and Alice wears a black hoodie and copper and mesh pants. Alice raises a hand, gesturing as she speaks, and a barbed wire prop, designed by Josephine Shokrian, is in front of her. Kiira is a white woman with long blonde hair; Alice is a multiracial Black woman with bright orange curly hair and coffee-colored skin. The floor in front of them is green and studio equipment appears in the background. Photo by Cherylynn Tsushima.
Alice Sheppard and Laurel Lawson soar in their wheelchairs in front of a bright green screen, each facing the ceiling, arms curved up, holding a white barbed wire prop in the shape of a huge X.  Jerron Herman faces the duo, his back to the camera, one leg stretched behind him and the opposite arm out to the side holding a cloth wire prop whip which wraps his body.  Alice is a multiracial Black woman with short bright orange curly hair and coffee-colored skin; Laurel is a white person with pale skin and cropped peacock blue hair; Jerron is a Black man with a dark beard and blonde shortcut hair. They all wear copper bodysuits overlaid with black mesh which shimmers in crimson, sapphire, and amethyst, and delicate filigree headpieces of copper and brass with pearl and gold beading. Photo by Cherylynn Tsushima.


Artistic Director, Director: Alice Sheppard
Choreography: Alice Sheppard, in collaboration with Jerron Herman & Laurel Lawson
Dancers: Jerron Herman, Laurel Lawson, Alice Sheppard
Scenographer: Michael Maag
Concept Art:  Michael Maag
Production Lighting and Projection Design: Michael Maag
Post Production Lighting Consultant:  Annie Wiegand
Access Design: Laurel Lawson and Alice Sheppard
Costume & Makeup Design: Laurel Lawson
Production Stage Manager: Nykol DeDreu 
Flight Crew: Stefan Barnas, Chris LaBudde, Ming Lai
Wired Live Performance Co-Scenic Design & Prop Design: Josephine Sales
territory props & sculptures inspired by Wired live performance design. 
	Prop & Sculpture Conception: Josephine Sales 
Interim Production Manager: Delaney Teehan, Aurora Productions 
Stage Management Fellow: Hannah Bailey
Flight Consultation: The Chicago Flyhouse, Inc.
Managing Director: Molly Terbovich-Ridenhour
People & Company Operations Manager: Morgan Carlisle
Access Manager & Cultural Steward: rachel hickman
Marketing & PR Liaison: Mariclare Hulbert
Coordinating Specialist: Adonis Brown

Audio Description Sound Design & Mix: Laurel Lawson
Movement & Narrative Description:
	Scripting: Alice Sheppard
	Voice Artists: Regan Linton & Christine Williams
Movement & Environment Description:
	Scripting & Performance: 
	Mo Pickering Symes & Tashinga Matewe, The Rationale Method
Poetry Script and Performance: Leah Lakshmi Piepzna-Samarasinha
Character Narrative Description: 
	Scripting: Alice Sheppard
	Voice Artists: Gregg Mozgala, Thomas Reid, Alice Sheppard, Laurel Lawson
Menu & Functional Description: rachel hickman
Captions: Alice Sheppard

Director, Producer: Kiira Benzing 
Producer: Erika Barraza
VFX Supervisor: Mark Wendell
Lead Developer: Elliott Mitchell
Post Production Manager & Associate Developer: Katherine Scully 
Developers: Matt Brelsford, Mars Wong
Editors: Hungry Mantis
Environment Artist: Rea Goldson 
Animators: Mark Wendell, Rea Goldson
Composer: Dan Wool
Sound Designer: Drazen Bosnjak
Sound & Haptics Design: Q Department
Consulting Producer: Jessica Kantor
UX/UI Designer: Antonella Mazzonni
Paint Artist: Studio ZANYC
Post Production Manager: Katherine Scully
Line Producer: Mary Elizabeth Monda
Director of Photography: Lauren Mendoza
Assistant Director: Johnny Callaway
1st AC & DIT: Scottie Bown
Production Coordinator: Sophie Penn
Hair & Makeup: Samson Smith
Gaffers: Jess Papayiannis, Nelson Smith
Key Grip: ​​Hayden Bullard
G&E: William Rodriguez, Eli Freireich, Michael Dongo, Rebecca van der Meulen
Script Production Assistant: Chelsea Williams
Production Assistants: Taylor Doll, Shannakae Larregui, Arora McCargar, Kat Ray, Mike Shokouhi


Territory is funded, in part, by the Mellon Foundation, the Doris Duke Foundation, the Ford Foundation, Borealis Philanthropy's Disability Inclusion Fund, and the Jeffrey Seller Family Foundation.