Access ALLways

Public Workshops and Dedicated Trainings

The ALLways method, grounded in Kinetic Light's holistic research and practice, uses foundational principles of equity and hospitality to help participants learn how to create equitable access for performances, events, and organizations. Sessions rotate throughout the year to focus on different aspects and roles within the arts ecosystem, including sessions dedicated to artists, event organizers, administrative professionals, grantmakers, programmers, and more. Public sessions are online and participatory, including individual exercises, small group exploration, and discussion. New for 2025: Based on student feedback, we're adding ALLways Focus Time sessions which go deep on single topics with emphasis on tools and practice.

We offer sliding scale fees, and the majority of tiers are highly subsidized by our fundraising efforts. We make every effort to work with you to make this work possible. If you have the capacity to register at a higher tier, you are directly helping us to offer subsidized rates to independent and disabled artists.

Custom workshops for organizations and companies are also available. Contact for group rate or a custom programming conversation.

Register Now for 2025 workshops
A black and white square of 20 icons representing diverse forms of access, surrounded by text ACCESS ALL WAYS ALWAYS ALLways

ALLways is the distillation of our understanding and creation of access that we share with the broader arts community. This curriculum is grounded in transformative personal and organizational work: not a checklist, but a shared exploration of principles to create equity and hospitality across your art, events, programs, and organizations.

Kinetic Light is constantly engaged in active research and development of new tools and techniques for creating access, community, and equity. After we've proven those tools and practices in our own work and events, we share them out to the field. This is part of the work that we share at every venue where we perform and teach.

The ALLways curriculum consists of multiple practice levels and focus areas, and students are invited into a community of support and practice. We invite organizations who are interested in engaging deeply with this work to contact us. This work ranges from introductory workshops for people new to access and equity to custom and advanced curricula.

Reach out to Access ALLways lead Laurel Lawson with questions about customized trainings, or email us with questions about registration or to get on the notification list for upcoming public sessions.