Laurel Lawson arches back over the axle of her upturned wheelchair, eyes closed, face open to the light, a taped hand gently touching her wheel. Photo: MANCC/Chris Cameron
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Booking (Shows, Workshops, Screenings), Funding, Company inquiries
Managing Director: Molly Terbovich-Ridenhour
Media inquiries: Shows, Interviews, Artist Contacts
Press Contact: Mariclare Hulbert
General inquiries:
Info @ Kinetic Light
Accessibility inquiries
Access Manager & Cultural Steward: Rachel Hickman
Research, Technology, Audimance, & Access ALLways inquiries
Artist-Engineer, Access & Tech Lead: Laurel Lawson
Finance & Billing inquiries
Finance Manager: Alexis Etzkorn
Operations inquiries
Operations Manager: Morgan Carlisle